Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Link to Review #2

The Review is on the right side in the middle and has to be expanded.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pirates on the Loose

NATO warships have arrived to the Gulf of Aden, to fend of thats right you said it, Pirates from Somalia. Now at first, I have to say I was all for the piracy, finally some good old fashion Buccaneers bringing the ruckus to the high seas. But unfortunately, after finding out some of there antics, it hurts me to say NATO should being them down.
NATO has received permission from Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein to carryout any military action to deter the pirates. The NATO ships will specifically be protecting the U.N World Food Program carriers containing vital relief supplies. It has been reported that the pirates have attacked 60 ships this year alone, with ransoms reported between $18 to $30 million. The ransoms are being used to fund the war in Somalia, suspending my sponsorship of there organization. Currently, the pirates are holding a Ukrainian ship with cargo of Soviet made tanks and other war supplies for a hefty ransom of $20 million. A even more frightening thought considering one of the recipient of the pirates loot is Al-Shabaab, an Islamic militant who has been named to the terrorist organization list by the U.S. For a modern pirate organization, I shamefully say I'm impressed.
My Dreams of a Captain Jack running the seas fell flat on its face, upon hearing the atrocities the pirates commite. It was all too good to be true. The days of 17th century pirates, I sadly must realize are over.

Monday, October 13, 2008


$70 Billion bailout divided by the 227,719,424 American's over the age of 18 = $3,074 per person. If you take into account money from other bailout packages the number only grows. Which brings me to an interesting question. Would putting more money directly into the pockets of out citizens produce a greater finical stability and resurgence of the economy? The $3,074 would amount to more money than the stimulus package distributed over the summer, which was a bandaid for a bullet wound. Perhaps it would have been in our interest to let the banks fail and start over with a clean slate. Although reflecting a different context, this question from Thomas Jefferson sprung into my mind when I was thinking about these question: "And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.It is its natural manure." It was also Jefferson who said, "Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies." Food for thought, reminding us all of the importance history.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Run away profits by corporate excutives

The worldwide financial crisis, the most important current issue, needs law makers full attention to alleviate economic problems developing worldwide in order to maintain resemblance of stability. Partisan finger pointing needs redirecting to the chief executives, who are begging for bailouts while most are "earning" millions of dollars. Treasure Secretary Paulson and the Bush administration, proved themselves not completely ignorant, by deciding not to bailout the Lehman Brothers firm. Finally good government. While our economy has gone to hell, and his company fell into bankruptcy, Richard Fuld when totaling stock sales, bonuses and salary dating back to 2000, Fuld managed to earn a staggering $484 million! Under what conditions could you possible justify the Lehman Brothers bailout when witnessing such greed and selfishness. I have absolutely no sympathy for executives with those business plans, and in fact hope they loose everything and go to jail. I congratulate the administration in making a common scene decision, at a time where common scene is looking more and more like genius. While Republicans and Democrats point fingers, Americans and our economy is going to hell in a bucket, and executives are making incomprehensible salaries. Traditionally, I have been a practitioner of limited government, ensuring personal freedoms (which are also diapering left and right), however I regret saying the tighter regulation may been prudent. When left to self-regulation and the doctrine of free-enterprise, the greed of mankind suffocates the lower-classes. With no relief in sight we must all strap in for a wild ride.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Review
