Sunday, September 14, 2008

Politcal Ad's

We have all seen political ads countless times, and there can be no doubt American's will have the misfortune to see countless more in the upcoming weeks leading up to the Presidential election on November 4th. The content of the ads are erroneous and have little to the with the actual issues the country is facing. For example, the ad in which McCain compares Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, only serves as a distraction from more important issues. Even former Bush adviser Carl Rove said that McCain has gone 'too far' in some of his ads. Now that says something. The Obama campaign has accused senator McCain of "cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern presidential campaign history." However, from a political standpoint the ads are benefiting McCain in an American institution of negative attacks with well established roots. Obama contents that McCain and vice president candidate Sara Palin of avoiding the issues, focusing instead on distorting his record. The media frenzy surrounding these ads are a unexplainable phenomena within themselves. My perspective regarding the ads coming from both sides are that they are lies, with desperate attempts of persuasion. At such a critical crossroad in history, with the future of the United States the subject, I believe its time to show a little more prudence and maybe have a intelligent conversation if only for the sack of variety.

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