Sunday, September 28, 2008

Presidental Candidates

Relating to a previous posts about the financial crisis and the Presidential candidates, a clear contrast to the leadership abilities and style surfaces between the candidates. While both McCain and Obama said they are likely to vote for the $700 billion bailout plan, there approaches were very different. Obama took a more passive, measured approach, favoring to use the philosophy of using more than one mind when examining the situation. Where as McCain took a head on attack halting his campaign to go to Washington to deal with the issues directly. McCain went as far as to call for replacing the Security and Exchange commission president, Christopher Cox. I'm sorry but the image of McCain swooping in, halting his campaign to save the day is a little too much to swallow. Even republican politicians remarked that McCain didn't even leave an imprint on the bailout plan legislation, creating a phony image, which comes of as a gimmick that sadly may people are likely to buy. The differences between the candidates style is clear. McCain is going to take an aggressive approach, hoping to exert raw political power to achieve is motives. Reflecting the structured combative past in the Navy. In contrast to Obama who will take a more gauged, calculated approach, which in consequence at times looks like a slow reaction. I only hope that voters can see the vast differences and vote accordingly.

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